The Obama administration has relaunched their health care marketplace and poured millions of dollars into improving so Americans can shop for affordable health care plans, however surveys reveal that most consumers thinking shopping for health care coverage is worse than getting a cavity filled or filling taxes.

The survey results come form the Health Insurance Pulse Survey and was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. They revealed their findings on Tuesday. The findings include health coverage spending preferences by income and age, as well as consumers feelings on Obamacare.

The results show:

  • 68% say shopping for ObamaCare is worse than getting a cavity filled
  • 75% say shopping for health coverage is worse than getting the middle seat on an crowded airplane
  • 82% of consumers who shopped for coverage say it is as bad as doing their own taxes.

To perform the survey, Princeton Survey Research Associates talked to more than 1,000 adults by telephone in Spanish and English.